Monday, October 14, 2013

Pure Joy

Well, it has clearly been AGES since I wrote last.  I have been so darn busy that I just haven't felt like I had the time or energy to put any time into my blog.  I will try to do better!

This last weekend I went to Ashland, OR to meet two of my best friends who came down from Portland for a ladies weekend together.  It was amazing!  But... I was also informed that certain people are counting on my updating my blog and are disappointed that I haven't been very reliable with it.  Sorry Nancy! :)

Let's see... I'll try and go back a bit and bring everyone up to date.  The past month has been utterly exhausting but also one of the most amazing months of my life.  I feel like I am filled with bubbles, sparkles, a warm fire, hot apple cider, and pretty much all of my favorite things in life.  They have started to replace my internal organs and soon I'll turn into a cartoon character with my words coming out in bubbles, sweating out sparkles, and emitting all my joy unto others, even if they don't want it.  

Details have become vague but at this point, I have been with my students almost every day for the last seven-ish weeks and I love them all as if they were family.  I am constantly sharing with friends and family about how adorable, amusing, impressive, and inspiring all of my kids are.  It's funny how even the smallest thing can totally make a difficult week seem 100x better.  At the end of last week, I had a student burst into my room as he was heading off to the bus and say, "Miss Neva!  Miss Neva!  Have a GREAT weekend!"  Being the sap that I am, it almost brought tears to my eyes having him share such positivity with me.  I just adore these kids and am so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful little people every day.  Teaching is hard work and I regularly put in 10-12 hour days and usually use one day of the weekend to try and get caught up/prepared before the next week begins, but my kids make it all worth every minute of time I put in.  I am sure at some point I will have a better grip on everything and I won't have to put in quite so many hours but until then I will do my time and learn from every experience.

Ok, I think I am going to keep these short and sweet so that I don't feel like it's an overwhelming task to get on here and update things. 

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